Toggl alternative

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Looking for an awesome Toggl alternative for tracking time?

Sure, Toggle has some great features, and it’s a decent time tracking tool for freelancers and large teams.

But at $10/user/month, Toggl is expensive for small businesses. The free version works well for freelancers but not for businesses that need robust reporting to manage their employees.

Toggl user interface is complex due to too many features that small businesses don’t need.

To put it simply, Toggl just doesn’t fit the needs of small teams that need an easy to use and affordable time tracking software.

That’s why many small teams are looking for a Toggl alternative, just like you!

But, when it comes to the best alternatives to Toggl, look no further than HiveDesk.

HiveDesk is a time and task tracking tool that is easy to use, has everything remote teams need and is affordable.

Not convinced? Don’t worry!

In this article, we’ll look at why HiveDesk is the best Toggl alternative.

9 No-brainer Reasons To Choose HiveDesk As Your Toggl Alternative

Here are 9 reasons why HiveDesk is the best Toggl alternative: Automatic Time Tracking

1. Insanely simple time tracking

As a Toggl alternative, HiveDesk is super easy to use. All you have to do is open HiveDesk, select a project name, and start the timer! While the timer is on, HiveDesk runs quietly in the background monitoring the work and tracking time. Once you’re done, stop the timer and it will stop tracking your activity! The web portal is clean and easy to navigate for account owner and managers. Unlike Toggl, there are no confusing buttons and features. The setup is straightforward:
  • sign up
  • Create a project and invite your team members
  • Create tasks and assign to team members
Once again, HiveDesk turns out to be much easier to set up compared to Toggl. HiveDesk Client

2. Project dashboard

Toggl offers project dashboards only in the $20/month plan. How can you manage a project without a dashboard? That’s why HiveDesk offers the dashboard with every plan. You can see all important metrics about the project including team members, project progress, tasks, time summary and screenshots.

3. Flexible and robust reports

HiveDesk has tons of helpful reports that make it a compelling alternative to Toggl. There is a report for every important aspect of time tracking, project, and team management. Projects Report–Shows which team members worked on your projects and for how long. You can use it to calculate billable time for clients for each project. The screenshots section shows a timeline of screenshots. The tasks section shows status of all tasks in the project. Automatic Online Timesheets Timesheet Report–There are two timesheet reports – detailed and summarized. These reports show time worked by your team members over the selected time period. The detailed report shows tracked time report by each worksession. It shows active time, activity level, and cost (calculated from hourly rate). Summarized report shows logged time by date and person and activity level. It also shows total cost. Activity Report–Team and individual activity reports show how much time each person logged on each day in the reporting period. Screenshots Report–It shows a timeline of screenshots taken over the reporting time period. You can generate screenshot report for the entire team or a specific person. A useful reporting feature in HiveDesk is automatic report distribution. You can create a distribution list for a report. Everyone on this list will automatically receive daily and weekly reports. As you can see, the reporting features in HiveDesk are comparable or better than Toggl.
Increase productivity, take screenshots, track time and cost, and bring accountability to your team.

4. Manage projects and tasks

Both Toggl and HiveDesk are more than just a time tracking software. You can create, assign, and manage tasks for the projects. Team members mark tasks as complete in the desktop app. Account owner and managers monitor the status of each task in the web portal. They can also see overall project progress in the portal. Authorized people can add or remove team members and control their access to project information.

5. Track project cost

Track project and individual cost by assigning an hourly rate to each team member in the project. HiveDesk calculates cost by multiplying total number of hours tracked by the hourly rate for the person. This is super useful to track project cost and profitability. It’s also great if you have hourly employees. The cost tracking feature is similar to Toggl.

6. Affordable for small businesses

At $5/person/month, HiveDesk is the most affordable Toggl alternative for time tracking. All other alternative time tracking software have added many features and integrations over time. The extra features and integrations come at a cost. These features are useful if you need them. But if all you need is a time tracking software, why pay for these extra bells and whistles? Automatic Screenshots

7. Capture screenshot for review and feedback

If you want to see what your employees do during the work time, you can turn on the screenshot feature. HiveDesk desktop app running on your employees’ computer will automatically take images of the computer screen at regular intervals. These screenshots are useful for monitoring the work of remote employees and providing them feedback. Many HiveDesk customers use the screenshots to see if employees are following the correct processes and using right tools. They use the information to provide constructive feedback to team members to improve their performance. Toggl does not have screenshot feature, which makes it a limited use time tracking software compared to HiveDesk.
HiveDesk Features

Bring accountability to your team

8. Control access to information

A time tracking software collects and stores sensitive information about your team and business. This includes hours worked by employees, their contact details and screenshots of their computers. You can control who can see, change or delete this information by giving levels of access to managers and employees. This granular level of access control makes HiveDesk an excellent alternative to Toggl. Activity Monitoring

9. Track activity level

Tracking activity levels of employees is important in some jobs like data entry and classification. HiveDesk tracks both active and inactive time. The Activity reports show this information for team and individual team members. HiveDesk does not track which keys were pressed, just that some key was pressed. These nine reasons make HiveDesk a better time tracking option for small businesses when compared to Toggl. Start your free trial of the best and most affordable Toggl alternative.

Automatic time tracking for remote employees with screenshots

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