How to measure productivity of employees working from home and remote workers

10 min read

Want to measure the productivity of employees working from home and remote workers?

You’re in the right place!

Use these 8 proven methods (plus a bonus tip) to measure remote work productivity of work-from-home and remote employees.

Let’s get started.

1. Create a policy for measuring work-from-home and remote employee productivity

At the most basic level, productivity is a measure of output per unit of time. While output is a good measure of productivity for some workers, it’s not the best for most employees. A better way to measure employee productivity is to measure business results or outcomes, in addition to output.  

By adding more business-oriented measures like customer satisfaction level, increase in sales or increase in website visitors, you will get a better idea of your employees’ true productivity.

So the first step in measuring productivity is to create a policy that clearly lays out how you will do it. It will help you put in place right tools and processes.

The employees will know exactly how you will measure their work and productivity. This transparency will build trust with employees and help them prioritize their work.

2. Define key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring productivity of remote workers

One problem with measuring productivity is that different jobs have different metrics. Your team may have remote workers who do sales, develop software, write blog posts or do SEO. It does not make any sense to measure all of them using the same productivity metrics. 

You will need different KPIs for each of these roles. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

Content Writer– Number of words written
– Number of blog posts published

Pro tip: Measure user engagement on the blog page, SEO relevance of the post and CTR for the page in search results
Software Developer– Burndowns
– Kickbacks from QA to the developer
– Number of story points completed
Copywriter– Number of ads written
– Number of landing pages completed

Pro tip: Measure CTR of Ads, the conversion rate of landing page
SEO– Number of links created/acquired
– Number of outreach emails sent
– Number of guest posts secured

Pro tip: Measure changes in DA/PA and improvement in search rankings

Alexander Romanov,

“We monitor a list of KPIs for each function which our business analyst records in a custom-built Google sheet. Depending on the function we have 5-10 KPIs for each team member and we monitor their performance against set goals.”


Vivek Chugh, Founder and CEO of Listables

“Much of our team and myself work remotely and for us, the key to measuring productivity is:

  1. Discussing and agreeing on expectations
  2. Choosing measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)

If you have an understanding of what is expected and know how you are measuring success with the chosen KPI’s, it really then comes down to paying for results as opposed to time.

For measuring our KPI’s we use different tools but our results are gathered all on one dashboard called Raventools. We have up to this point been very happy with the results and how our team works to grow our company.”

3. Create milestones for each task you assign to an employee

It’s easy to track progress when a task has clear milestones.

Employees can mark the progress correctly and you can be sure about their progress. With clear milestones, employees can report progress every day instead of waiting till the end.

Milestone reporting gives you visibility. You can see if an employee is making required progress to complete the task on time.

Breaking down a long task into milestones helps you collect important data for planning future projects. You can track time taken to reach each milestone so you can create a better project plan in the future.

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Bring accountability to your team

Brandon Ackroyd, founder of Tiger Mobiles

“I do it by organizing tasks that have a clearly defined start, middle, and endpoints. If my remote staff have clear deliverables, it’s easy for me to judge their output volume and quality.

If remote staff are underperforming, you have a management issue, and no piece of technology is going to solve it.”

4. Use a task or project management software to track work and create visibility

Keep everyone on the same page by using a cloud based project management software. Create a team-wise Trello board or Asana project that shows what everyone is working on.

Consider using different project tracking systems for teams doing different things like marketing and software development. JIRA is an excellent tool for tracking software development project while Trello or Asana are great for marketing projects.


Sean Patrick Hopwood, CEO & President of Day Translations

“Each team uses a separate software for productivity: our PMs use Slack, our developers use JIRA, and our Marketing team uses Asana. This is how managers can supervise the daily tasks of the employees according to each separate project.”

Assign tasks to individuals, track their progress and receive notification as they complete the tasks.

Measure productivity of employees by tracking the number of tasks they complete each week or month. If there are multiple people working on similar tasks, you can rank these employees by their productivity.

An added benefit of an open project plan is the transparency and accountability it brings to the team.

Team members can see who is doing what and how things are going. This visibility also helps improve the team productivity by pushing everyone to do their best.


Nathan Olsen, CEO of BestNotes

“The best way to keep employees engaged is to frequently discuss the value of productivity and getting deep work accomplished through the day.

A helpful tool for keep employees accountable and engaged is a company-wide Trello board. The online Trello board shows what each employee is working on, so there is complete transparency in the volume of work getting done.”

Pro tip:

Create a points system if it’s hard to track output by tasks. Software developers use story points to measure the complexity of each programming task.

5. Track how much time employees are spending on work

Tracking time is essential to measuring employee productivity. It’s the denominator in the equation:

Productivity = Output / Time

An online time tracking software like HiveDesk automatically tracks how much time employees spend on work. At the end of each week or month, you can see an accurate data about how many hours each employee has worked.

You can calculate productivity by combining this information with the number of tasks completed or output produced by the employee.

Increase productivity, take screenshots, track time and cost, and bring accountability to your team.

Hamna Amjad, Community Manager at

“We mainly use time tracking software for time-tracking and measuring the productivity levels of our employees. It helps us in analyzing how much time is spent on each project by every team member.

We like to assign our team members certain tasks to be completed in a day. At the end of the day, we check if the tasks were completed and how much time was spent on each task.

Since most of our remote employees are writers and marketers, we like to monitor how many articles are written or how many pitches are sent per day.
We keep track of their progress using Google Spreadsheets where each employee can enter tasks finished and the amount of time taken to achieve that.”


Nate Masterson, CEO of Maple Holistics

“We used to monitor everyone’s productivity through an application that can track mouse movements and websites visited to determine an employee’s productivity. However, we noticed that it doesn’t always give an accurate description of a worker’s productivity.”

Therefore, we now also ask employees to track their timesheets how long it takes them to work on various tasks. The idea is that we can better track productivity to make sure that employees in similar positions are performing the same, and it also helps us get a better idea of training efficacy for new employees.”


Tracking time serves another important purpose.

It’s hard to separate work from personal life when working from home. This creates problems for employees as they lose track of how long they are working.

Many work-from-employees work extra hours so they appear productive to their boss. This is not sustainable in the long run.

In some countries, employers have a legal requirement to keep track of time employees spend at work.

You can help your employees maintain sanity and also meet legal requirements by using an online time tracking software.

If managers doubt that someone is slacking off, all they need to do is check the person’s timesheet. Since the software tracks this automatically, it’s reliable and accurate.

Increase productivity, take screenshots, track time and cost, and bring accountability to your team.

6. Estimate completion time for each task

It’s good to track the output and time taken to complete the tasks. But it’s not much use tracking productivity unless you can compare it to a benchmark.

By estimating the time needed to complete each tack, you set a baseline for productivity. It’s possible that your estimate is either too high or too low. You can improve your estimation with time but don’t shy away from it because you can’t be accurate.

When an employee takes more time, you can check to see if your estimate was wrong or the employee was slow. Use this learning to improve the estimate for the next task.

Using estimates also creates a benchmark for you to compare employees doing the same job or working in the same team.

If two out of three employees finish on time while the third one does not, the problem is with that employee. In this case, his productivity is lower than it should be.


Misha Kaura, CEO, Darlinghurst Enterprises

“I implemented a master Google Docs spreadsheet accessible to the entire team 24/7 where people assigned to individual projects pick what they want to work on. Each project has an estimated time attached, e.g., five hours, and contractors who complete before the general time frame are judged as more productive.

All contractors are ranked based on their performance and their rank is published on the spreadsheet with identification by employee numbers.

As well, four A’s in a row means the worker gets a bonus based on a percentage of their base pay.”


Vivek Chugh, Founder and CEO of Listables

“Either understand the task or job you need to get done, or get some guidance on what the job entails. This way you can understand what the performance should look like, how many hours a job should take, and so on.”

Increase productivity, take screenshots, track time and cost, and bring accountability to your team.

Pro tip:

Rank your employees based on their productivity. This will create a healthy completion between them. You can also link performance pay or bonus to their productivity.

7. Implement a robust reporting structure

Timely reports help you stay on top of the work, identify potential problems, and take early action.

The reporting structure you implement depends on your and your managers’ preferences.

Many people like to get an end-of-day report that lists day’s progress. Others are happier with a weekly update.

Keep the report formats short and to the point.

A bullet list of tasks completed is good enough for the daily report. The weekly report should include weekly timesheet, tasks completed, plans for the next week, and any roadblocks/risks.

Monthly reports should focus more on progress towards goals.

You can get some of these reports directly from the project and time tracking tools. Daily accomplishment reports are best created using a tool like I Done This or an email.


Sean Patrick Hopwood, CEO & President of Day Translations

“We measure productivity in different ways:

  • Every single employee uses a timer
  • Second, every day every employee sends a report to our Senior Executive Manager, who sends these reports to the pertinent manager by the end of each week. This way, managers can follow up with the employees regarding the goals for the department and the strategies that are being implemented weekly.”

8. Use a proven system like OKR to measure progress towards goals

Measuring daily productivity of employees is a good management practice. But you also need to measure progress towards your business goals.

After all, what’s the point of having a productive team if you do not achieve your goals?

Objectives and Key Results aka OKR is one of the most popular goal tracking systems. John Doerr popularized it through his book “Measure What Matters”

The advantage of using an established system like OKR is that you have readymade tools and dashboards. These track your daily, weekly and monthly progress towards goal.

With a dashboard, you can know at a glance what’s happening in your business.

You can even set these up in a spreadsheet if you don’t want to use a tool.

Employees can manually update it every day or you can automate the process.


Earl White, Co-Founder of House Heroes LLC

“Our company monitors remote employees using thoughtfully designed “objectives and key results” (OKR) for each employee. Our OKRs are designed to target the desired outcome. For our company, the overarching objective is to generate leads that convert into clients that turn into revenue.

Lead generation staff is judged by how many quality leads were generated. Employees that work on converting those leads are judged by their lead conversion rate. Management is judged by revenue off those conversions.

The beauty of intelligent OKRs is once you set up an intelligent goal structure you can directly pinpoint the phase where a problem lies.”


Grant Hensel, CEO of Nonprofit Megaphone

“Since we are a marketing agency, we benefit from the fact that the results of nearly everything we do are measurable. We track these outcomes through a Scorecard, which is simply a Google Sheet with our most critical numbers and the people responsible for them.

We update this weekly as a team. This ensures accountability for results while giving our team the freedom and trust to figure out how to accomplish the goals themselves.”

Bonus tip for measuring productivity:

Use collaborative tools like Google Drive/Dropbox, Slack and Zoom or MS Teams to engage your remote team. A connected and collaborative team is more productive than a disjointed team.

Collaboration enables employees to work better as a team by working on  together, sharing progress and helping each other in real time.


Wooten Gough, Community Manager, Remote-How, Inc.

“We use a few different digital tools for communicating, collaborating, and of course, tracking the progress of all of our projects.

These tools work well for our team because everything is public to the entire staff. Seeing the day to day progress of the work, as opposed to the time spent each day, allows us all to know the status of any project we are working on at any time.

This is great if you are working on several projects like we are!”


The take away from these leaders is that measuring productivity of employee working from home or remotely is critical. But you have to do it in a way that’s meaningful to the business and makes employees feel good about it.

Manage your work from home employees and remote workers.

Expense Tracking

Managing finances can be a daunting task, but implementing an effective expense tracking system can simplify the process and help businesses gain better control over their spending.
Expense tracking involves meticulously recording all expenses, whether big or small, to track where money is being spent. This can be done using various methods, such as mobile apps, spreadsheets, or dedicated software. By regularly monitoring and categorizing expenses, businesses can identify areas where they may be overspending or find opportunities to save.

Business Operations Software

Business operations software is a group of digital tools and applications designed to streamline and enhance various aspects of a company's operations. From project management and resource allocation to inventory management and customer relationship management (CRM), these software solutions provide businesses with the means to automate and optimize their processes.
By centralizing data, facilitating collaboration, and providing real-time analytics, it enables organizations to make more informed decisions, improve efficiency, and ultimately drive growth.

Desktop Time Tracker

A desktop time tracker tracks employee time on a desktop or laptop. It’s a valuable tool for individuals and businesses looking to improve productivity and manage their time effectively. This software allows users to track the amount of time spent on different tasks and projects, providing valuable insights into how time is being allocated.
With a desktop time tracker, users can easily monitor and analyze their work patterns, identify areas of improvement, and make informed decisions to optimize their productivity. These trackers often come with features such as customizable reports, reminders, and integration with other productivity tools, making it even easier to stay on top of tasks and deadlines.
Whether you are a freelancer trying to maximize billable hours or a team leader aiming to improve project efficiency, a desktop time tracker can be an essential tool to boost productivity and achieve better time management.

Cycle Time Calculator for Tasks

The Cycle time calculator for tasks allows teams to accurately assess the time it takes to complete specific tasks within a project. By inputting the start time and end time of a task, the calculator automatically calculates the cycle time, giving project managers a clear understanding of the efficiency and productivity of their team.
This information is crucial for identifying bottlenecks, optimizing workflows, and improving overall project performance. With the cycle time calculator, project managers can make data-driven decisions, streamline processes, and ensure timely delivery of projects. It is an essential resource for any organization looking to enhance their project management practices and achieve higher productivity levels.

Critical Path Method

The Critical Path Method (CPM) is a project management technique used to determine the most efficient sequence of activities required to complete a project within a specified time frame. It involves identifying the critical path, which is the longest sequence of dependent activities that must be completed in order to meet the project's deadline.
By analyzing the dependencies and durations of each activity, CPM helps project managers assess the impact of potential delays, allocate resources effectively, and make informed decisions to keep the project on track. This method is widely used in industries such as construction, engineering, and software development to streamline project schedules and ensure successful project completion.

Cloud-based Employee Time Clock

A cloud-based employee time clock is a digital tool that allows businesses to track and manage their employees' work hours efficiently. With this technology, employees can clock in and out using their devices, such as smartphones or computers, eliminating the need for traditional punch cards or manual time clocks.
The cloud-based nature of this system means that all the time data is securely stored and accessible online, making it convenient for both employers and employees to monitor and review attendance records. Additionally, these time clocks often come with advanced features like automated scheduling, overtime calculations, and integration with payroll systems, streamlining the overall time tracking and management process. By implementing a cloud-based employee time clock, businesses can improve accuracy, reduce administrative tasks, and ensure compliance with labor regulations.

Cloud-based Time Tracking

Cloud-based time tracking is a valuable tool for businesses and individuals alike. It allows users to conveniently track and manage their time from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection.
This technology eliminates the need for manual time tracking methods, such as spreadsheets or punch cards, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. With cloud-based time tracking, users can easily log their hours, track project progress, and generate accurate reports for billing or payroll purposes.
Additionally, this technology often integrates with other productivity tools, such as project management software or accounting systems, streamlining workflows and improving overall efficiency. Whether you're a freelancer, a small business owner, or part of a larger organization, embracing cloud-based time tracking can greatly enhance your time management and productivity.

Cloud Attendance Tracking Software

Cloud attendance tracking software simplifies and streamlines the process of tracking employee attendance. By storing attendance data on the cloud, this software eliminates the need for manual record-keeping and provides real-time access to attendance information from anywhere, at any time.
With features such as automated time tracking, employee scheduling, and leave management, this software not only saves time but also improves accuracy and efficiency. Organizations can easily generate comprehensive reports and analyze attendance patterns to make informed decisions about workforce management.

Clocking In and Out

Clocking in and out refers to the process of recording the start and end times of an employee's work shift. It is a common practice in many workplaces to accurately track the hours worked by employees for various purposes, such as payroll, attendance, and labor management. Typically, employees are required to clock in upon arrival at work and clock out before leaving. This helps employers monitor punctuality, track work hours, and ensure compliance with labor regulations.
Clocking in and out can be done using various methods, including manual timecards, punch cards, biometric systems, or digital applications. It is an essential aspect of workforce management, contributing to efficiency, accountability, and fair compensation for employees.

Client Time Reports

Client time reports provide a comprehensive overview of the time spent by clients on various tasks and projects. These reports are essential for tracking and analyzing the productivity and efficiency of client engagements.
By capturing accurate data on how clients utilize their time, businesses can gain valuable insights into resource allocation, project management, and overall client satisfaction. With the help of client time reports, organizations can identify any bottlenecks, inefficiencies, or areas that require improvement, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize their operations.
These reports serve as a valuable tool for enhancing client relationships and ensuring that projects are completed within the allocated timeframes and budget constraints.

Client Billing or Invoicing Software

Client billing software enables businesses to efficiently manage their invoicing and payment processes. The software automates the billing cycle, from generating and sending invoices to tracking payments and managing client accounts. It provides businesses with a centralized platform to streamline their billing operations, reducing the time and effort required for manual invoicing tasks.
With features like customizable invoice templates, automated payment reminders, and robust reporting capabilities, client billing software simplifies financial management and improves cash flow.
Whether you are a freelancer, a small business owner, or part of a larger organization, implementing a reliable client billing software can greatly enhance your efficiency and help you maintain a professional approach to invoicing and billing your clients.

Categorization of Time Entries

The categorization of time entries refers to the process of organizing and classifying various activities or tasks based on their time-related attributes. This practice is essential for efficient time management, allowing individuals or organizations to track and analyze how time is spent.
By categorizing time entries, it becomes easier to identify patterns, allocate resources effectively, and prioritize tasks accordingly. Common categories for time entries may include project-specific tasks, meetings, administrative work, breaks, and personal activities. By implementing a systematic categorization system, individuals can gain a better understanding of how their time is being utilized and make informed decisions to optimize productivity and achieve their goals.

Capital Expense Management

Capital expense management refers to the process of effectively managing and controlling the expenses associated with acquiring, maintaining, and upgrading long-term assets or infrastructure within a business. This involves carefully planning and budgeting for capital expenditures, such as purchasing new equipment, renovating facilities, or investing in technology systems.
The goal of capital expense management is to optimize the allocation and utilization of financial resources, ensuring that investments are aligned with business objectives and deliver the desired return on investment. By implementing rigorous evaluation criteria, monitoring spending, and conducting regular reviews, organizations can make informed decisions regarding capital expenditures, mitigate risks, and maximize the long-term value of their assets.

Business Operations Software

Capacity planning software is a powerful tool that enables organizations to effectively manage and optimize their resources. With this software, businesses can accurately forecast their future resource needs based on historical data, current utilization rates, and projected growth.
By analyzing factors such as workload, server capacity, network bandwidth, and storage requirements, capacity planning software allows businesses to proactively allocate resources, identify bottlenecks or potential issues, and make informed decisions to ensure smooth operations.
This software also provides real-time monitoring and reporting capabilities, allowing businesses to track resource usage, identify trends, and make necessary adjustments to maintain optimal performance.

Business Expense Tracker

The Business expense tracker is used for managing and monitoring expenses within a business, a department, or a project. It provides a streamlined and efficient way to track all financial transactions related to the company's operations. With it, businesses can easily record and categorize expenses, generate expense reports, and analyze spending patterns. By keeping a close eye on expenses, businesses can make informed decisions, identify areas of overspending, and implement cost-saving strategies.
Business expense tracker is an essential component of financial management, helping businesses stay organized and maintain financial health.


A graphical user interface in time tracking software that displays key metrics and data related to employee time, attendance, and productivity in a visually appealing format.
It’s a powerful tool that allows individuals and teams to efficiently manage and monitor their time usage. It enables managers to get a high-level view of the state of business, projects, and tasks. Managers also get an idea about how employees are doing and if there are any important issues to address.

Budget Tracking

Budget tracking is vital for managing business and project finances effectively. It involves keeping a detailed record of income and expenses to understand where money is being spent and to identify areas where adjustments can be made. With budget tracking, businesses can gain a clear overview of their financial situation and make informed decisions about income and spending. By diligently tracking expenses and comparing them to a pre-determined budget, businesses can identify activities that are losing money and those that make money for the business.
Budget tracking provides a sense of control and empowerment over business finances.

Browser Extension Time Tracking

Using a browser extension for time tracking can increase your productivity and help you stay focused on your tasks. These extensions provide a convenient way to monitor how much time you spend on different websites and applications, giving you valuable insights into your digital habits.
With the ability to set goals, track breaks, and receive notifications, these extensions serve as a powerful tool to manage your time effectively and prioritize your work. By analyzing the data collected, you can identify patterns, discover time-wasting activities, and make informed decisions to optimize your workflow. Whether you're a freelancer, a student, or a professional, incorporating a browser extension for time tracking can be a game-changer in boosting your productivity and achieving your goals.

Billing Rates

Billing rate refers to the cost or fee charged for a particular service provided by a professional or business. Typically, the billing rate is defined per hour. The rates can vary depending on various factors such as the level of expertise, experience, industry standards, and the complexity of the service being offered.
It's important to set their billing rate strategically to ensure it generates profit while keeping the business competitive.
Clients should carefully consider these rates when engaging the services of a professional or business to ensure they align with their budget and expectations. Understanding and discussing billing rates is an essential aspect of any business or professional relationship to ensure transparency and clarity in financial arrangements.

Billable Time

Billable time refers to the hours or units of work that can be charged to a client or customer. In professional services industries such as consulting, legal, or software development, tracking billable time is crucial for accurately invoicing clients and determining the profitability of projects.
This includes tasks such as client meetings, research, analysis, and any other work directly related to the project. Properly managing billable time is essential for maximizing revenue and ensuring fair compensation for the services provided. By accurately recording and categorizing billable hours, businesses can also gain insights into resource allocation and identify areas for improving productivity and efficiency.

Billable Hours Software

Billable Hours Software is used by professionals and businesses to track and manage their billable hours. This software allows users to accurately record the time spent on various tasks or projects, making it easier to generate invoices and track client billing.
With features such as automated time tracking, project management, and reporting capabilities, this software provides a streamlined and efficient solution for professionals in industries such as law, consulting, and freelancing. Businesses can effectively monitor their productivity, ensure accurate billing, and improve overall profitability by using a billable hours software.

Automatic Time Tracking

Automatic time tracking revolutionizes the way we manage our time and increase productivity. By automatically recording the time spent on various tasks and activities, this technology eliminates the need for manual log entries and provides accurate insights into how we spend our time.
Automatic time tracking allows individuals and businesses to analyze their time usage patterns and make informed decisions to optimize efficiency. With the ability to track time across different devices and platforms, this technology offers convenience and flexibility for users in managing their schedules effectively.

Attendance Tracking

Attendance tracking refers to the systematic method of recording and monitoring the presence or absence of individuals, such as employees or students, during a specific period of time. It involves the use of various tools and techniques to keep accurate records of attendance, including time clocks, electronic systems, or even manual sign-in sheets.
The primary purpose of attendance tracking is to have a reliable and organized system in place to monitor and manage attendance, track attendance trends, and ensure compliance with attendance policies and regulations.

Attendance Tracker

Attendance Tracker is a tool for effectively managing and monitoring attendance in various settings. It simplifies the task of keeping track of attendance records, whether it's for a classroom, workplace, or event. The Attendance Tracker allows administrators to easily input and update attendance data, generate detailed reports, and identify trends or patterns in attendance behavior.
By providing real-time insights into attendance patterns, this tool empowers users to take proactive measures to improve attendance rates and enhance overall productivity.

Absence Tracking

Absence tracking refers to the process of monitoring and recording employees' absences from work. It allows organizations to keep track of employees' time off, including vacation days, sick leave, personal days, and other forms of leave. Effective absence tracking systems help employers maintain accurate records and ensure compliance with company policies and labor laws.
By implementing an absence tracking system, businesses can streamline their processes, improve productivity, and effectively manage workforce attendance. With the help of digital tools and software, tracking and managing employee absences has become more efficient and convenient, enabling organizations to effectively plan and allocate resources while ensuring a smooth workflow.

Absence Tracker

An absence tracker is a digital tool or software designed to help organizations easily and efficiently manage employee absences. With an absence tracker, employers can keep track of employee leaves, including vacation days, sick days, personal days, and other types of absences. It allows employers to maintain accurate records and monitor patterns of employee attendance, which can be helpful for planning purposes and ensuring proper coverage.
An absence tracker can provide employees with transparency regarding their remaining paid time off and allow them to submit absence requests and receive approvals electronically. This streamlines the process for both employers and employees, reducing administrative tasks and improving overall communication within the organization.

Absence Management Software

Absence Management Software is a tool used by organizations to track and manage employee absences. With it, employers can monitor and record employee leaves, holidays, vacations, or other types of absences. It streamlines the process of requesting and approving time off, making it easier for both employees and managers to stay organized and ensure proper coverage.
Absence Management Software simplifies the task of managing employee attendance and ensures smooth operations within the workforce. It helps organizations comply with labor laws and regulations regarding leave entitlements and policies.

Download Employee Attendance Sheet Template in Excel

Download the free Excel Employee Attendance Sheet Template

Download Employee Work Schedule Template in Excel

Download the free Excel Employee Work Schedule Template

Daily Attendance

The record of employee presence or absence on a daily basis, typically recorded in a time tracking system or attendance register. Keeping track of daily attendance is essential for various reasons.
Firstly, it ensures that individuals are fulfilling their responsibilities and meeting their obligations. It also allows for the monitoring of punctuality and helps identify patterns of absenteeism.
Daily attendance records are valuable for assessing productivity, analyzing trends, and making informed decisions. By maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of daily attendance, organizations can promote accountability, maintain a structured environment, and ultimately strive towards achieving their goals efficiently.

Data Export

The process of extracting time tracking data from a software system for use in other applications or for analysis purposes, often done in formats such as CSV, Excel, or PDF.
Data export is an important feature of time tracking software as it allows you to use the time tracking data and timesheets for processing payroll and billing clients. Exported data can be imported into accounting software like QuickBooks to automate bookkeeping.

Expense Reports

Expense reports provide a detailed breakdown of the costs incurred during business operations, including travel expenses, meals, accommodations, and other miscellaneous expenses. By meticulously documenting these expenses, companies can gain insights into their spending patterns, identify areas of potential cost savings, and ensure compliance with internal policies and external regulations.
Expense reports streamline the reimbursement process for employees, allowing them to easily submit their expenses and receive timely reimbursements.

Employee Scheduling

The process of creating and managing work schedules for employees, including assigning shifts, determining work hours, and accommodating employee preferences or availability.
It involves creating a schedule that ensures adequate coverage for all necessary tasks. Effective employee scheduling is crucial for optimizing productivity, maintaining employee satisfaction, and ensuring smooth operations.
With the help of advanced scheduling software and tools, businesses can automate and streamline the scheduling process, saving time and reducing errors. Employee scheduling allows managers to easily track and manage workforce attendance, monitor overtime, and make adjustments based on changing demands.

Expense Reimbursement

Expense reimbursement is a process that allows employees to be reimbursed for business-related expenses they have incurred on behalf of their company. This can include expenses such as travel, meals, accommodations, and other necessary costs incurred while conducting business.
The purpose of expense reimbursement is to ensure that employees are not financially burdened by their work-related expenses and to maintain transparency and accountability within the organization.
Companies typically have specific policies and procedures in place to manage and approve expense reimbursement requests, including the submission of receipts and documentation. This process helps ensure that expenses are legitimate and align with company policies, while also providing employees with the necessary financial support to carry out their job responsibilities effectively.

Expense Management

Expense management involves the process of tracking, controlling, and optimizing expenses incurred by the organization. By effectively managing expenses, businesses can achieve greater financial stability and allocate resources more efficiently. This includes monitoring and analyzing expenses, implementing budgeting strategies, and finding ways to reduce costs without compromising on the quality of products or services.
Whether it's through the use of expense management software, implementing expense policies, or conducting regular audits, businesses can gain better control over their financial health and make informed decisions for future growth and success.

Employee Project Scheduling

Employee project scheduling refers to the process of assigning and managing work tasks and timelines for a team of employees working on a specific project. It involves determining the resources needed, estimating the time required for each task, and allocating responsibilities to individuals or groups.
Effective employee project scheduling plays a crucial role in ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget. By carefully planning and organizing the workload, it helps in optimizing productivity, minimizing bottlenecks, and maintaining a smooth workflow.
It allows managers to track progress, identify potential issues, and make necessary adjustments to keep the project on track. With the help of advanced scheduling tools and technologies, employee project scheduling has become more efficient and streamlined, enabling teams to collaborate effectively and achieve project goals successfully.

Employee Monitoring

Employee monitoring involves the use of various tools and techniques to track and monitor employees' activities during working hours. While some may view it as intrusive or privacy-invading, the practice has become more prevalent due to the need for increased productivity, security, and compliance with regulations.
Employee monitoring can include tracking computer usage, internet browsing, email communication, and even video surveillance. By implementing employee monitoring, organizations can gain valuable insights into workflow optimization, identify potential security risks, and ensure employees are adhering to company policies.
However, it is crucial to strike a balance between monitoring and respecting employees' privacy rights to maintain a healthy and trusting work environment.

Employee Leave

Employee leave refers to the time off that employees are entitled to take from work for various reasons. It is an essential aspect of any organization's human resources policy, ensuring that employees have a work-life balance and the ability to attend to personal or family obligations.
Employee leave typically includes vacation leave, sick leave, parental leave, and bereavement leave, among others. These leaves may be paid or unpaid, and the duration and eligibility criteria may vary depending on company policies and local labor laws.
Having a well-defined and transparent employee leave policy is crucial for fostering a positive work environment and supporting the well-being of employees.

Employee Expense Management

It refers to the process of overseeing and controlling the expenses incurred by employees during their course of work. This includes tracking and monitoring expenses such as travel, accommodation, meals, transportation, and other business-related costs.
Effective expense management is crucial for organizations to maintain financial control, ensure compliance with company policies, and optimize budget allocation. By implementing robust expense management systems and policies, businesses can streamline the reimbursement process, reduce the risk of fraud or errors, and gain better visibility into spending patterns.

Employee absenteeism Tracking

It refers to the process of monitoring and recording employee absences within an organization. It is an essential tool for HR departments and managers to keep track of employee attendance patterns and identify any trends or issues that may arise.
By accurately tracking absenteeism, organizations can analyze data to identify potential causes, such as illness, burnout, or dissatisfaction, and take proactive measures to address them. With the help of advanced tracking software and systems, companies can automate the process, making it more efficient and reliable. This allows for better resource planning, improved productivity, and ultimately, a healthier and more engaged workforce.

Employee Absence

It refers to the instances when employees are not present at work due to various reasons. It can include planned leaves, such as vacation or personal days, as well as unexpected absences due to illness, family emergencies, or other unforeseen circumstances.
Employee absence can pose challenges to businesses, as it may disrupt workflows, impact productivity, and require additional resources to cover the workload. Employers often implement policies and procedures to effectively manage and address employee absences, ensuring clear communication, documentation, and proper leave tracking systems.
By proactively addressing and managing employee absence, organizations can maintain smooth operations and support the well-being of their workforce.

Employee Utilization

The measure of how effectively and efficiently employees are utilized within an organization, often calculated as the percentage of total available work hours that are actually spent on productive activities or billable work.
By analyzing employee utilization, businesses can gain insights into staffing needs, identify areas for improvement, and optimize resource allocation. This metric helps organizations to better understand how effectively their workforce is contributing to the overall goals and objectives of the company.
Monitoring and managing employee utilization can lead to improved productivity, reduced costs, and increased profitability. It is an important aspect of workforce management and plays a vital role in achieving operational excellence.

Employee Timesheet

A document or digital form used by employees to record their daily or weekly work hours, typically detailing start and end times for each work period, as well as any breaks or time off taken.
It provides a comprehensive overview of the time spent by each employee on various tasks and projects. The timesheet typically includes details such as the employee's name, date, hours worked, and specific tasks performed. This valuable document helps managers and HR departments accurately calculate payroll, monitor employee productivity, and ensure compliance with labor regulations.
By maintaining accurate and up-to-date timesheets, organizations can streamline their operations, improve resource allocation, and make informed decisions regarding workforce management.

Employee Time Tracking

The systematic recording and monitoring of employee work hours, attendance, and activities to ensure accurate payroll processing, compliance with labor regulations, and effective resource management.
Keeping track of employee time is a critical aspect of managing a workforce efficiently. This practice not only helps organizations monitor employee productivity but also ensures accurate payroll processing and compliance with labor regulations.
By implementing effective employee time tracking measures, businesses can streamline their operations, identify areas of improvement, and make informed decisions based on data-driven insights. It is an essential tool for maintaining transparency and accountability within the workforce, ultimately contributing to overall productivity and success.

Employee Time Clock

A device or system used by employees to record their work hours, typically including features such as clock-in/clock-out functionality, biometric verification, and integration with time tracking software.
It’s an important tool to accurately track and record the working hours of employees. It helps streamline the payroll process, ensuring that employees are paid correctly for the time they have worked.
With the advancements in technology, traditional punch-in time clocks have been replaced by digital solutions, such as biometric scanners, mobile apps, or web-based systems. These modern time clock systems offer added convenience, allowing employees to clock in and out using their fingerprints, ID cards, or even through their smartphones. This not only eliminates the need for manual timekeeping but also reduces the chances of errors and discrepancies in the recorded data.

Employee Self-Service (ESS)

A feature of time tracking systems that allows employees to access and manage their own time-related information, such as viewing timesheets, submitting time-off requests, and updating personal information.
With ESS, employees have can access and manage their own personal information, such as updating contact details, requesting time off, viewing their pay stubs, and even enrolling in benefits programs. This allows employees to have more control over their own work-related matters, without having to rely on HR or administrative staff for every request or update.
From an employer's perspective, ESS streamlines administrative tasks and reduces the need for manual data entry, ultimately saving time and increasing efficiency. By empowering employees with self-service options, organizations can foster a culture of autonomy and productivity, leading to a more engaged workforce.

Default Work Schedule

The standard or predefined work hours and days for employees, which serve as the basis for tracking deviations such as overtime, under time, or shift changes.
Employee work schedule shows when an employee is supposed to work and for how long. Every organization has a default work schedule for its employees so that all new employee know what is expected of them. However, the default schedule can be adjusted to accommodate any unique needs of the employee and the organization.

Employee Clock-Out

The action of an employee recording their departure or end time for a work shift, indicating the completion of their assigned tasks or work hours for the day.

Employee Clock-In

The action of an employee recording their arrival or start time for a work shift using a time clock, time tracking software, or other methods such as biometric scanners or mobile apps.

Elapsed Time

The total duration or amount of time that has passed between the start and end of a particular task, project, or work shift.
It is a measurement used to understand the amount of time that has elapsed, whether it is in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or even years. This concept is useful in various fields, such as science, mathematics, and project management, where tracking time intervals accurately is crucial.
Understanding elapsed time allows us to analyze processes, measure efficiency, and a plan for future events with greater precision. It is a fundamental concept that helps us make sense of the temporal aspects of our lives and the world around us.

Electronic Timesheet

An electronic timesheet that shows record of employees’ working hours, typically accessed and submitted through time tracking software or online platforms.
It replaces the traditional paper-based timesheets, making the process more efficient and accurate. With an electronic timesheet, employees can easily log their hours worked, breaks taken, and any other relevant information through a user-friendly interface.
The system automatically calculates total hours and overtime, reducing the chances of errors or miscalculations. Supervisors and managers can easily access and review timesheets, ensuring transparency and accountability in the workplace.
The electronic timesheet also streamlines the payroll process, as it integrates with payroll software, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

Employee activity tracking

In today's fast-paced and data-driven work environments, employee activity tracking has become an increasingly prevalent practice. This refers to the monitoring and analysis of employees' work-related activities, such as time spent on tasks, productivity levels, and even digital interactions. The purpose behind employee activity tracking is to gain insights into individual and team performance, identify areas of improvement, and optimize overall productivity. While some view it as a valuable tool for enhancing efficiency and accountability, others express concerns about privacy and the potential negative impacts on employee morale. Ultimately, the approach to and implementation of employee activity tracking should be carefully considered and balanced to ensure a positive and productive work environment for all.

Employee attendance tracking

Employee attendance tracking is a crucial aspect of workforce management that enables businesses to monitor and manage their employees' attendance and punctuality. By implementing an efficient attendance tracking system, employers can accurately record the working hours of their staff, identify attendance patterns, and ensure compliance with company policies and labor regulations. This not only helps to maintain productivity levels but also aids in identifying and addressing any potential issues related to absenteeism or tardiness. Moreover, employee attendance tracking systems often integrate with payroll software, simplifying the process of calculating wages and reducing administrative tasks for HR departments. Overall, implementing an effective employee attendance tracking system can greatly contribute to enhancing productivity, improving workforce management, and fostering a more organized and efficient work environment.

Employee Attendance

Employee attendance refers to the consistent presence of employees during their designated working hours. It is a vital aspect of maintaining productivity and ensuring the smooth functioning of an organization. Monitoring and managing employee attendance is crucial for employers to track the punctuality and reliability of their workforce. This includes keeping track of absences, tardiness, and any patterns of irregular attendance. By actively addressing issues related to employee attendance, such as implementing attendance policies, providing incentives for good attendance, and addressing any underlying causes for absenteeism, employers can foster a positive work culture and improve overall productivity.

Daily Report

A summary or report generated on a daily basis that provides details of employee time worked, attendance, and any deviations from the standard work schedule.
This report provides a detailed overview of the attendance records, including the arrival and departure times, as well as any absences or tardiness. It shows details of work done by the employee during the day.
By regularly reviewing the Daily Attendance Report, managers and administrators can identify patterns of attendance, address any attendance issues, and ensure that everyone is adhering to the required schedule. This report not only helps in maintaining discipline and accountability, but also serves as a valuable resource for payroll processing and performance evaluation.

Dynamic Scheduling

A flexible scheduling approach that allows for real-time adjustments to employee work schedules based on changing business needs, employee availability, or workload fluctuations.
With the appropriate software, companies can effectively allocate their employees based on demand, ensuring that the right people are scheduled at the right time to meet customer needs. This dynamic approach takes into account various factors such as employee availability, skills, and preferences, as well as expected workload.
By using dynamic employee scheduling, businesses can streamline their operations, minimize labor costs, and improve overall efficiency. Moreover, employees benefit from a more flexible and balanced schedule, leading to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

Duration Tracking

Monitoring the length of time spent on specific tasks, projects, or activities by employees, providing insights into productivity and resource allocation.
This is essential for teams looking to optimize their productivity and effectively manage their time. By tracking work duration, managers can gain insights into how their teams allocate their time, identify areas of improvement, and make informed decisions about resource allocation.
With the help of various tools and software, work duration tracking has become more streamlined and convenient, allowing for accurate and detailed records of work activities. This data can be utilized for performance evaluations, project planning, and overall workflow management, ultimately contributing to increased efficiency and successful project completion.


The period during which employees are not engaged in productive work activities, often due to equipment malfunctions, system downtime, or other operational issues.
While some amount of downtime is inevitable and can even be beneficial for employee well-being and creativity, excessive or unproductive downtime can have negative effects on overall productivity and morale. It is important for employers to strike a balance between providing necessary downtime for employees to recharge and regroup, while also ensuring that they are utilizing their time effectively and efficiently.
Open communication and clear expectations regarding downtime can help employees make the most of these periods and contribute to a positive and productive work environment.

Digital Timesheet

An electronic or digital timesheet that shows employees’ daily or weekly work hours, typically accessible through a web-based application.
The concept of a digital timesheet has revolutionized the way businesses track and manage their employees' working hours. With a digital timesheet, gone are the days of manually recording time on paper or spreadsheets, which were prone to errors and time-consuming to manage.
Instead, organizations can now leverage timesheet software solutions that offer a user-friendly interface for employees to input their hours worked, breaks taken, and any additional notes or tasks completed. This digital tool allows for greater accuracy, efficiency, and transparency in tracking and analyzing employee time, ultimately leading to improved productivity and streamlined payroll processes.
Whether it's for remote teams or on-site staff, a digital timesheet is an indispensable tool for modern businesses seeking to optimize their time management practices.

Departmental Tracking

The practice of tracking time and attendance data by department or team within an organization, allowing for department-specific analysis and reporting.
This data is used by the head of the department or manager to improve the functioning of the department.

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