Grow Your Business Profitably

Grow your business profitably with HiveDesk. Get deep insights about your business, know which projects are making you money, and make data-driven decisions. Stay compliant with labor laws by tracking attendance, time off and overtime.

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time tracking for business owners
Time tracking business insights business owners

Business Insights

Get deep insights about your business

HiveDesk gives you deep insights about your business so you can grow your business profitably. Get real-time data, such as hours worked by employees, status of tasks, and costs incurred.

Track time

Accurately track time spent on tasks and project by your employees

Manage timesheets

Ensure integrity of timesheets with the timesheet approval process

Bill clients

Generate invoices from timesheet data to ensure accuracy and build trust

Project finance

Manage your project's finances

Your business will make money if your projects are profitable. Track how much each task and project cost by using the hourly cost rate of employees. Find out projects that are costing you money and take actions to make them profitable.

Hourly rate management

Assign hourly cost rate to team members to track cost at task and project level

Task Cost tracking

Track laborcost for each task and project in real-time

Budget tracking

Keep your project within budget by tracking cost at the project level

Compliance management

Stay compliant with labor laws

As a business owner, you need to comply with labor laws in all jurisdictions your company operates in. HiveDesk gives you everything you need to stay compliant with labor laws across the world.

Work hours tracking

Track hours worked by employees/contractors for accurate payroll processing

Overtime management

Set overtime limits and track overtime hours to comply with applicable labor laws

Payroll processing

Process your payroll with confidence by exporting attendance, overtime, and leave information

Customer Testimonials

We have used every time tracking software under the sun, and they all fall short in some area that we need, but overall HiveDesk has met our needs. Their PDF screen shot reports are clean, easy to use and understand. Our clients prefer them over the complicated reports of other systems.

Lindsey Meadows

Let’s get you started!

Start your free 14-day trial. Make your business more productive and efficient.

Frequently asked questions

The time tracking tool is designed to provide a seamless and efficient way for users to track their time and manage their tasks. The tool works by allowing users to create projects and tasks, and then track the time they spend on each activity.

Users can easily start and stop timers for different tasks, providing accurate data on how much time is being spent on specific projects. The tool also allows for manual time entries, enabling users to log time retroactively if needed.

Most time tracking tools offer features such as timesheet management, reporting, and integration with other project management tools like Asana, providing a comprehensive solution for time tracking and productivity management.

With its user-friendly interface and robust features, a time tracking tool simplifies the process of tracking and managing time, helping users stay organized and increase their productivity.

Time tracking software can significantly contribute to making your business more profitable in several ways. It provides accurate insights into the amount of time your employees spend on different tasks and projects. By having a clear understanding of where time is being spent, you can identify areas of inefficiency and make necessary adjustments to streamline processes. This optimization can lead to increased productivity and profits.

Time tracking software allows you to accurately track billable hours for client projects, ensuring that you are appropriately invoicing for the work completed. This prevents any potential revenue leakage and ensures that you are maximizing your earnings.

Moreover, by tracking time spent on different projects and tasks, you can better allocate resources and manpower, enabling you to take on more projects and increase your overall business capacity.

Time tracking software can significantly contribute to the growth of your business in several ways.

Firstly, it provides you with valuable insights into how your employees are spending their time, allowing you to identify inefficient processes or tasks that can be streamlined or automated. By optimizing your team’s productivity, you can save time and resources, enabling you to focus on high-priority projects and business strategies.

Additionally, time tracking software provides accurate data for project costing and billing, ensuring that you are properly compensated for the work you do. This can lead to increased profitability and improved financial management.

Furthermore, by having a clear overview of your team’s workload and capacity, you can effectively allocate resources, prevent burnout, and ensure that projects are completed on time. Overall, time tracking software empowers you to make data-driven decisions, enhance productivity, and ultimately grow your business.

Tracking time in your business can provide valuable insights into various aspects of your operations. By monitoring how you and your team spend time on different tasks and projects, you can gain a deeper understanding of productivity, resource allocation, and overall efficiency.

Time tracking allows you to identify patterns and trends, helping you make informed decisions about project timelines, resource allocation, and team performance. You can also use this data to determine which tasks are consuming excessive time and resources, enabling you to optimize workflows and streamline processes.

Additionally, tracking time can provide valuable data for accurate client billing and project cost estimation. Overall, by implementing a robust time tracking system, you can gain valuable insights that can drive improvements and enhance the effectiveness of your business operations.

Tracking time can indeed play a crucial role in improving your business finances.

By accurately tracking the time spent on various tasks and projects, you gain valuable insights into how your resources are allocated and utilized. This information allows you to identify inefficiencies, eliminate time wastage, and optimize your workflow. By understanding where your time and resources are being spent, you can make informed decisions to streamline operations, allocate resources more effectively, and ultimately increase productivity.

Moreover, tracking time can help you accurately bill clients or customers, ensuring that you are appropriately compensated for the work performed.

Overall, implementing a time tracking system can provide you with the data and insights needed to make strategic financial decisions and drive profitability in your business.

HiveDesk time tracking app is designed to assist businesses in maintaining compliance with labor laws by accurately recording and monitoring employee work hours. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily monitor the time spent on specific tasks and projects by your employees.

This data provides a transparent and reliable record of hours worked, helping you to accurately calculate payroll and ensure proper compensation for employees and contractors.

You can also monitor critical compliance items like employee attendance, time off, holidays, overtime hours and overtime pay.

Time Tracking

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  • Streamline timesheet and payroll processing
  • Manage overtime, holidays, and paid time off
  • Improve labor compliance
Computer screenshot and activity monitoring software

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